Physical Education
- Physical Education
- Progression Chart
- Physical Education
All freshmen are required to take this course, unless enrolled in Beginning Dance, and participate in California Physical Fitness Testing (PFTs)
Following the CA state Physical Education Standards, this class emphasizes knowledge and motor skill competencies with an emphasis on individual and dual sport activities, rhythms and dance, and group dynamics. Fitness, strength building, and health are emphasized through regular vigorous physical activity as well as demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies. Self-responsibility, social interaction, and group dynamics are demonstrated through understanding psychology and sociology concepts applied to the strategies around performance and physical activity. The overall goal is to increase physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students. The course prepares students to think critically about their overall fitness and the benefits of being a lifelong fitness participant. Students will participate in a variety of single and dual sports as well as aspects of team sports. Lead-up games and skill acquisition and improvement will be emphasized as well. Students will also learn the fundamentals of strength training and mechanics of lifting, heart rate, cardiovascular fitness and endurance, goal setting, core bodywork, resistance band and dynamic stretching. *A donation for uniform is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
Students are required to meet their Physical Education credit requirements by the end of their junior year.
- Year-long
- Physical Education
Following the CA State Physical Education Standards, this course emphasizes group sports and activities, social etiquette of sports, basic understanding of the principles of movement, and the importance physical activity has on the quality of their lives. The content articulates the knowledge, skills, and confidence students need to maintain meaningful physical activity throughout their lifetime. *A donation for uniform is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
Students are required to meet their Physical Education credit requirements by the end of their junior year.
- Semester
- Physical Education
PUSD allows for 2 sports per school year to be eligible for PE credit
Upperclassmen who participate in a PHS sponsored California Interscholastic Federation sport may receive credit for Physical Education on the basis of one sport being the equivalent to one semester of Physical Education. You must sign up for the sports you would like to participate in during the year (e.g. if you play football, you would sign up for 5746 – Football). If you sign up for a specific sport and fail to make the team, you must see your counselor immediately. If a student is declared ineligible due to attendance or discipline, then it is up to the Principal’s discretion (based on amount of time and other factors) as to whether PE credit will be issued. A student who is academically ineligible due to a GPA of less than 2.0 will not receive PE credit. A donation toward coaches’ stipends is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
**You will not be able to choose PE Athletics during Course Selection. Once your name is on the roster for a team, it will be added to your schedule**
- Elective
- Semester
- Physical Education
Recommendation: None
Beginning class, if taken by freshmen, will fulfill students' Visual/Performing Arts requirement OR their Physical Education requirement.
(UC approved “f”)
This course introduces students to the art of dance and is designed for all students with or without previous experience. The course covers the fundamentals of ballet, jazz, modern, hip hop, world dance, social dance, and musical theater dance. Students will develop body awareness, proper alignment, motor efficiency, strength, flexibility, coordination, the ability to perform simple to more complex dance sequences, and the ability to memorize choreography. Students build skills in the execution of dance vocabulary, demonstrate an understanding of the processes and techniques used in creating and performing dance works, and ultimately create original dance works to be performed in both the Fall and Spring dance concerts that showcase individual creativity.
All Beginning Dance class members will perform in the dance productions. All dance class members will be cast in the ensemble of the annual PHS/MHS musical, if they wish, without auditioning. The musical is extracurricular and not a requirement of the dance class. If interested in anything other than an ensemble of the musical, students will need to go through the audition process. A donation towards costume and materials is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
Students are required to meet their Physical Education credit requirements by the end of their junior year.
- Elective
- Semester
- Year-long
- Physical Education
Recommendation: Successful completion of a full year of both Beginning and Intermediate Dance.
All Advanced Dance class members are required to participate in the dance productions
This class fulfills the Visual/Performing Arts OR the Physical Education requirement for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.
The advanced dancers will focus primarily on performance preparation while continuing to strengthen technique and pursue mastery in multiple dance genres. As part of the process of becoming more sophisticated choreographers, all advanced students will choreograph at least one complete dance piece, and all will perform in works choreographed by their peers as well as the instructor. Audition techniques as well as performance preparation and dramatic expression are emphasized.
All dance class members will be cast in the ensemble of the annual PHS/MHS musical, if they wish, without auditioning. The musical is extracurricular and not a requirement of the dance class. If interested in anything other than an ensemble of the musical, students will need to go through the audition process. A donation towards costume and materials is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
- Elective
- Year-long
- Physical Education
Recommendation: Successful completion of Beginning Dance, or 9th grade PE with Ms. Moorhead.
This class fulfills the Visual/Performing Arts OR the Physical Education requirement for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.
This course emphasizes the development of dance technique including strength, flexibility, alignment, movement quality, ability to perform more complex dance sequences, and dramatic expression in multiple dance genres such as jazz, contemporary, and ballet. Dancers will continue to increase their knowledge and skill level in hip hop, historical and world dance, yoga, and Pilates. Choreographic skills develop sophistication and a growing awareness of theme. All Intermediate Dance class members will perform in the dance productions.
All dance class members will be cast in the ensemble of the annual PHS/MHS musical, if they wish, without auditioning. The musical is extracurricular and not a requirement of the dance class. If interested in anything other than an ensemble of the musical, students will need to go through the audition process. A donation towards costume and materials is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
Students are required to meet their Physical Education credit requirements by the end of their junior year.
- Elective
- Semester
- Physical Education
Prerequisite: Completion of Course 1 and passing 5 out of 6 PFT standards.
Open to 10th - 12th graders. Preference is given to upperclassmen who need to fulfill their graduation requirement
This course is designed for students to gain an understanding of the proper mechanics of eccentric and concentric movement during resistance/strength training as it pertains to the 5 Components of Physical Fitness and the Overload Principle. Building off Course 1 and Course 2, students engage in weight training, agility drills, and flexibility exercises. Students utilize both free weights and circuit training weight machines. Students learn how to build a fitness plan in connection to their muscular and skeletal anatomy, in order to advance their own physical fitness level and to learn the benefits of weight training in their lives, now and in the future. A donation for PE uniforms is requested during online registration and can be made in Infinite Campus in the Fees section.
Students are required to meet their Physical Education credit requirements by the end of their junior year.
- Elective
- Semester
Amy Moorhead Teacher |
Jeff Peters Teacher |
All 25-26 Courses
The link below is to a 50-page external Google Doc with all course offerings.
published 1/10/2025