Piper Cafe and Menus
Accessing Food Service Accounts
Log on to the Infinite Campus Portal to view individual or multiple student meal account balances, sign up to receive low balance e-mail notifications, and view daily meal purchases in real time.
Review balances and transactions in the Food Service tab.
(Add image for adding funds)
Add funds to the student account in the Payments tab. All transactions are delivered over a secure network. You can add additional funds at any time.
(Add image)
If you have any questions/issues with your Food Service access, please contact Nutrition Servicea at nutritionservices@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Food Service Issues
Questions/issues with your Food Service access?
Contact Nutrition Servicea at nutritionservices@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Gitara Spinks
Director, PUSD Nutrition Services
(510) 594-2753
Cassandra Famy
Assistant Director