PE Independent Study Application
Please download the complete document.
Physical Education independent Study Program Application Form (PDF)
The purpose of the Independent Study Physical Education Program is to provide options for students to engage in alternative pathways for which they can receive physical education credit towards graduation. Independent Study is not intended to be a separate curriculum.
Approved Independent Study Physical Education activities will ensure that students complete and pass the fitness, skill, attitude, content, and participation standards of a balanced physical education programs as defined by the Physical Education
Standards for California Schools. If approved, Independent Study Physical Education will account for one semester or up to one year of Physical Education credit toward graduation from high school.
Freshmen and middle school students are not eligible. This is to ensure that all students are exposed to a well-rounded Physical Education curriculum and participate in a series of state-mandated physical performance tests later in ninth grade. The state of California requires two years of high school Physical Education coursework for graduation. This program allows up to one of those years to be taken as Independent Study. Permission is granted one semester at a time. More nformation regarding Physical Education requirements can be found at the California Department of Education’s Physical Education “Frequently Asked Questions” page.
Double exemptions for Independent Study Physical Education and athletic team participation are not possible. A student may choose either Independent Study Physical Education or, if eligible, participation on a Piedmont High School sponsored athletic team. A student may choose one or the other during any one semester. The nature of Independent Study Physical Education is that it allows students to pursue individual interests in long term training programs that create a substantial drain on the student’s energies and that add a significant commitment beyond the regular school day. At the same time, it ensures that the student receives the benefits and outcomes of a balanced physical education program.
Independent Study activities should allow students to continue to build individual skills in their area of interest and expertise, and be consistent with the following criteria:
1. The student must maintain academic and departmental standards established by the Activity Code of the school that he/she attends.
2. The student shall provide official documentation of participation. Securing a position in a performing arts program that demands high physical exertion (e.g., dance) also may qualify. The appropriate proof of participation in a professional organization is required.
3. The student's Independent Study activity schedule does not conflict with the student's schedule of school classes.
4. The Independent Study activities will occur under the supervision of an Instructor/Coach who has the appropriate training and expertise to provide the level of instruction required for the activity. The Instructor/Coach will maintain contact as asked with the PUSD school representative.
5. The activity involves skill improvement sessions 5 - 6 days per week.
6. Student practices/trains an average of 15 hours per week in the Independent Study Activities under appropriate supervision of a qualified Instructor/Coach (including practices/rehearsals, games/events, and travel).
7. It can be clearly demonstrated that the Physical Education standards for the grade level can be met through the activity.
The following application forms must be submitted to the PHS Counseling Office prior to approval by a PHS school Administrator:
- Independent Study Physical Education - Application Form
- Independent Study Physical Education Instructor’s - Qualifications Form
1. The student must submit a completed Independent Study Physical Education Application Form by the second week of the semester for each semester of Independent Study participation. The objectives and expected outcomes for the activity along with the anticipated dates of the student’s participation must be clearly defined.
a. Including verifying signatures from:
- Student
- Parent/Guardian
- instructor/Coach
2. The Instructor/Coach must complete the Independent Study Physical Education - Instructor’s Qualifications Form
a. Including proof of:
- certification by regional, state, or national coaching organization
- up-to-date first aid/CPR certification
Once approved for Independent Study Physical Education, the student will be responsible for:
1. Assuring that the necessary written verifications are completed and provided at the designated times. This includes keeping a daily Independent Study Physical Education – Attendance Record on the form provided, and
2. Submitting the final daily Independent Study Physical Education – Attendance Record for each grading period to the PHS Counseling Office by Tuesday of the week in which the quarter/semester ends.
3. The school may revoke the Physical Education Independent Study Program option if the student's attendance and progress reports are unsatisfactory, or if such reports are not submitted.
Once approved for Independent Study Physical Education, the Instructor/Coach will be responsible for:
- Supervise and instruct the student for an average of 15 hours per week.
- Verifying the Physical Education Independent Study Program - Attendance Record at the end of the quarter and semester.
Once approved for Independent Study Physical Education, the school will be responsible for:
- Assigning an independent study teacher who will meet with the student on a general basis to monitor the student's progress. If the student's progress is satisfactory the teacher will submit a grade of "pass" to the counseling department at the conclusion of each grading period (a total of 5 credits). If a student is unsuccessful, his/her grade will be "fail."
Approved: January 24, 1996
Revised: June 25, 1997
Revised: May 25, 2016
Monday – Friday
7:45am to 3:45pm
School Profile
For the 24-25 School Year
Joseph Marik
Assistant Principal, Instruction & Counseling
(510) 594-2647
Amanda Carlson
Freshmen - Seniors (A-G)
(510) 594-2649
Chris Hartford
Freshmen - Seniors (H-O)
(510) 594-2895
Michelle Hoang
Freshmen - Seniors (P-Z)
(510) 594-2648
Darlene Low
Registrar & Counseling Secretary
(510) 594-2646