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Report Bullying or Harrassment

Piedmont High School takes bullying, harassment and cyber-bullying very seriously.

We ask that students look out for one another and report anything they see or hear to a trusted adult on campus.


From the Student Handbook:

Students who are being harassed and who feel unable, through their own efforts to end the harassment, should bring it to the attention of a counselor, teacher, administrator, or other school adult. It is a PUSD policy that school authorities will take appropriate action, including a full investigation and application of school discipline if necessary. All reported incidents will be taken seriously and retaliation against complainants will not be tolerated.

If you are being cyber bullied, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

  1. Don’t delete the text, post, email, etc. Save it as evidence.
  2. Don’t reply. Sending an angry response will only make it worse.
  3. For any instance of bullying or harassment, contact an adult:
    • Your counselor
    • An assistant principal
    • Health Center counselor
    • A trusted teacher
    • Your parents
  4. If the bullying includes a specific threat to yourself or someone else, contact the police.

You can also complete a “Speak Up” form if you have seen or heard something you find needs reporting.
PUSD strives to have a culture of positivity and inclusiveness and we can only do so with your help. Your report is anonymous (unless you choose to provide your name); however, any details you can provide will help us address the problem and create a better school culture.

This link is also accessible in the footer from every page on the PHS website.


Monday – Friday
7:45am to 3:45pm

School Profile

For the 24-25 School Year



Joseph Marik
Assistant Principal, Instruction & Counseling
(510) 594-2647

Amanda Carlson
Freshmen - Seniors (A-G)
(510) 594-2649

Chris Hartford
Freshmen - Seniors (H-O)
(510) 594-2895

Michelle Hoang
Freshmen - Seniors (P-Z)
(510) 594-2648

Darlene Low
Registrar & Counseling Secretary
(510) 594-2646