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Health Science Class Heart Dissection

10th grade scientists in Health Science class conducted an investigation of the heart to understand the health effects of stress, unhealthy lifestyle, and hazardous substances on the cardiovascular system. 

Students completed an 18-step dissection designed for cardiologists using real-feel,non-preserved anatomical tissue (pig hearts) . This allowed the opportunity to identify and manipulate anatomical structures and the demonstration and deployment of minimally invasive devices designed by biomedical engineers (artificial valves, Watchman devices, PFO occluders, balloon and stent angioplasty). 

This experience provided students the chance to:

  1. learn the anatomy and physiology of the heart
  2. have an authentic laboratory experience
  3. hear about jobs in science in medicine that they would not traditionally hear about. 

The semester-long Health Science class is a graduation requirement class.