Attendance Answering Machine: (510) 594-2629
If you are absent all day or any part of the day the following is required:
- A parent or legal guardian must excuse your absence within 3 days by note or phone call.
- Your note or phone message must include your first and last name, specific period(s) and date(s) missed, and the reason for your absence.
- Oversleeping is not an excused absence.
- It is violation of academic integrity policy for students to miss a class because they are working or studying for another class.
- An absence must be cleared within 3 days or it will become an unexcused absence.
If you need to leave school for any reason:
- You must bring a note to the office before leaving campus.
- You will receive a Permit to Leave to give to your teacher.
- Do not tell your parents to call to excuse you from class for a doctor, dentist, personal reasons.
- A note is required to for an excused absence.
- Call a parent/legal guardian from the front office before going home ill.
Monday – Friday
7:45am to 3:15pm
Contact Us
Attendance Answering Machine
(510) 594-2629 (voicemail only)
LaTanya Lloyd
Attendance Secretary
(510) 594-2628
Michael Bell
Campus Supervisor
(510) 594-2627